My Dog Chewed Up the Wooden Deck

I’ve had my black lab, Starlord, for almost 5 years now. This dog is normally the coolest animal on the planet. He weighs about 70 pounds and when he stands on his hind legs, he can place his paws over my shoulders. I got him as a puppy and did his dog training right away so he would be well-behaved. I figured I’d have a huge advantage since I do this as a paid service all the time.

Fast forward to last week, I bought an apartment building in downtown Albany so I could list it on Air BnB and get some passive income.

Here’s the building I bought: 10 1st Street, Albany, NY 12210.

The inside of the place was in decent condition. But, the selling point for me was the wooden deck in the backyard. It’s a two-tier, pressure-treated, cedar deck with a set of stairs and a handicap ramp. The wood is a reddish color and has been treated with Woodsman® Water Repellent coating to keep it from being ruined in the rain. Apparently, I was worried about the weather when I should have been worried about the dog. The dog has had some play dates with more aggressive breeds, and I honestly haven’t paid much attention during the “play” time, which was a mistake and why I’m telling you this.

I brought Starlord over to the apartment and left him alone in the backyard while I did some interior cleaning. In two hours, he managed to break one of the steps, chew up the wooden railing, and chew a hole through the wooden deck planks near the door. When I walked outside to check on him, I nearly had a heart attack. What a pain in the butt. So I had to get on Google and start looking for deck contractors. After what seemed like an eternity of searching I found one deck builder in Albany who looked promising. I called a couple other people first and got some ridiculous quotes, so I ended up going with Albany Deck Builders. They charged a couple hundreds bucks to replace the wooden planks and restain the cedar. It basically made the deck look new again, so I was thoroughly impressed. If you need a deck company locally, that’s who I am now happy to recommend.

And in other news, be very careful who you let your pup play with. As a trainer, I should have paid attention to this, but I was oblivious. Aggressive nature can rub off if you’re not careful.

History of Dog Shows in the United States

The history of dog shows in the United States is a fascinating story that begins in England. Dog shows first originated in England in 1859 before coming over to America in 1876. They were created as a way to compare different breeds of dogs and to see which ones were the best of their kind. In the early days of dog shows, only purebred dogs were allowed to compete. However, today, mixed breed dogs are also able to compete in many different competitions.

Dog shows have been a popular spectator event in the United States since the 1800s. The first recorded dog show in America took place in New York City in 1858. Since then, dog shows have been held annually in various cities across the country.

Today, dog shows are still a popular event, with many people attending to watch their favorite breeds compete. There are also many different types of dog shows, from small local events to large national competitions. No matter what type of dog show it is, it is always a fun event to attend!

puppy resting prior to dog show debut

There are many different breed standards that judges use to score the dogs at a show. These standards vary depending on the breed of dog and can be quite complex. However, the overall goal of a dog show is to showcase dogs that exemplify the ideal type for their breed. This means that the best-in-show winner is not necessarily the biggest or most popular dog, but rather the one that best meets the specific standards for their breed.

There are a variety of different events that take place at dog shows. Some of the most popular include obedience trials, agility trials, and conformation shows. Obedience trials test a dog’s ability to follow commands from their owner, while agility trials test a dog’s speed and ability to navigate an obstacle course. Conformation shows are judged on how well a dog conforms to the specific standards for their breed.

Obedience trials include a variety of different events that test a dog’s ability to follow commands from their owner. These events can include things like sit, stay, come, heel, and retrieving objects. obedience trials are a great way to see how well trained a dog is and how well they listen to their owner’s commands.

Agility trials are another popular event at dog shows. These trials test a dog’s speed and ability to navigate an obstacle course. Agility courses usually include a variety of different obstacles like jumps, tunnels, weave poles, and more. Dogs that perform well in agility trials are typically very athletic and have a lot of energy.

Conformation shows are the third type of event that takes place at dog shows. These shows are judged on how well a dog conforms to the specific standards for their breed. Conformation shows are a great way to see which dogs best represent the ideal type for their breed.

What dog breeds are most popular at dog shows?

Different dog breeds are popular in different parts of the country. However, some of the most popular breeds at dog shows include Labrador Retrievers, Golden Retrievers, and German Shepherds. These breeds are typically very obedient, athletic, and have a lot of energy. They also conform well to the specific standards for their breed.

Labrador Retrievers are one of the most popular breeds at dog shows. They are known for being obedient, friendly, and easy to train. Labrador Retrievers also do well in agility trials and conformation shows.

Golden Retrievers are another popular breed at dog shows. They are known for being loyal, gentle, and intelligent. Golden Retrievers are also successful in obedience trials and conformation shows.

German Shepherds are the third most popular breed at dog shows. They are known for being brave, loyal, and obedient. German Shepherds compete best in agility trials and conformation shows.

Dog shows are a great way to see a variety of different breeds of dogs. They are also a great way to see which dogs best represent the ideal type for their breed. If you’re looking for a fun event to attend, be sure to check out a dog show in your area!

What dogs are most scary?

Some of the most scary dogs to humans are those that have been bred for aggression. These include breeds like the Pit Bull, Rottweiler, and Doberman Pinscher. These dogs were bred to be aggressive toward other animals and humans, and they can be very dangerous if they are not properly trained and socialized.

Pit Bulls were originally bred for bull-baiting, a now illegal sport in which a dog was pitted against a bull in order to fight it. Today, Pit Bulls are still used in dog fighting operations around the world. They are also popular as “status symbols” among some people who view them as tough and macho. These scary dogs can be very dangerous to both humans and other animals if they are not properly trained and socialized.

Rottweilers were originally bred as working dogs. They were used to herd livestock and pull carts. Today, Rottweilers are still used as working dogs in some parts of the world. They are also popular as family pets. Rottweilers can be just as dangerous as pit bulls because they don’t let go when they bite you. That’s why it’s best to avoid getting this puppy in the first place unless you’re prepared to invest in training and take it seriously.

Doberman Pinschers were originally bred as guard dogs. They were used to protect property and people from intruders or attackers. Today, Doberman Pinschers are still used as guard dogs by some police and security forces around the world. They are also popular as family pets.

Some dogs are bred for aggression and can be very dangerous to both humans and other animals if they are not properly trained and socialized. If you’re looking for a family pet, it’s important to choose a breed that is known for being gentle and good with children. Breeds like the Labrador Retriever, Golden Retriever, and German Shepherd are all good choices.

When choosing a dog, it’s important to do your research to make sure you select a breed that is right for you and your lifestyle. Some breeds require more exercise than others, some need more space, and some may be more prone to certain health problems. Be sure to talk to your veterinarian or experienced dog breeder before making

Tips to Train a Dog Properly

Dogs are intelligent creatures that can be trained to do all sorts of tricks and commands. Although every dog is different, and will learn at different speeds, there are some general tips you can follow when training your dog to make the process easier and more fun for both of you.

dog training advice

Here are a few tips to get you started:

Be patient: Dogs need time to learn just like we do. They aren’t born knowing how to sit or stay, so be patient while they figure it out.

Use positive reinforcement: Dogs respond best to positive reinforcement, such as treats or verbal praise. Avoid using negative reinforcement, such as scolding or punishment, as this will only make your dog fearful and less likely to want to please you.

Be consistent: Dogs learn best when they are given consistent instruction. If everyone in the family is giving the dog different commands, he will get confused and won’t know what is expected of him.

Keep it short and sweet: Dogs have short attention spans, so keep your training sessions short and focused on one specific thing. Once your dog has mastered that, you can move on to something else.

With a little patience and consistency, you’ll be able to train your dog to do all sorts of fun tricks in no time! Just remember to keep it positive and have fun with it. After all, learning should be enjoyable for both you and your furry friend.

What common commands can dogs learn?

There are a variety of commands that dogs can learn, but some of the most common ones include “sit,” “stay,” “come,” and “down.” With consistent training, most dogs can learn these commands relatively easily. Once your dog has mastered the basics, you can move on to more advanced tricks if you so desire. The sky’s the limit when it comes to teaching your dog new things, so have fun with it!

What uncommon commands can dogs learn?

In addition to the more common commands, there are also a number of uncommon commands that dogs can learn. These might include tricks such as “roll over,” “speak,” or “play dead.” While these tricks may take a bit longer to teach, they can be just as fun for both you and your dog. So don’t be afraid to get creative and try something new! Instagram famous dogs have even been recorded fetching beers for their owners from the fridge; that’s impressive.

6 Tips to Find a Good Dog Trainer

If you’re looking for a good dog trainer, there are a few things you should keep in mind.

Make sure that the trainer is experienced and has references that you can contact. If you were planning on “winging it” with your dog’s regimen, you might as well do it yourself! Search Google, Yelp, Bing, and other social sites to find reviews and see what people say about this person.

Second, observe a training session to see if the trainer uses positive reinforcement methods. If the trainer does anything negative with the animals, don’t bring your dog there. In addition, report them for animal cruelty.

Third, make sure that the trainer is willing to answer any questions you have. If the trainer acts like you don’t matter, your pet won’t either.

Fourth, find out if the trainer offers private or group lessons. Group lessons are fine if you’re on a budget, but it’s easier to train dogs with less distractions.

Fifth, ask about the prices of lessons. Pricing should not be the primary decision maker because quality is more important, but it’s certainly a factor. Check pricing against other reputation service providers in the area to make sure the fees are within reason.

Sixth, ask about what type of guarantee the trainer offers. You want a guarantee so that the dog leaves with education and can follow your commands. You’re not paying for a play time.

Do It Yourself DIY Puppy Training

Puppy training doesn’t require any formal education or certifications, so it’s imperative to see the person in action to make sure they’re doing well. By following these tips, you should be able to find a good dog trainer who can help your furry friend learn all sorts of new tricks!

With patience, positivity, and consistency, you can train your dog to do just about anything you can think of! Just remember to have fun with it, and enjoy the bond you’re creating with your furry friend. After all, learning should be enjoyable for both of you.

Top 20 Friendliest Dog Breeds

In no particular order, here are 20 dogs that have a reputation for being friendly:

  1. Golden Retriever
  2. Labrador Retriever
  3. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
  4. Beagle
  5. Bulldog
  6. Poodle
  7. Boxer
  8. Boston Terrier
  9. Yorkshire Terrier
  10. Siberian Husky
  11. Great Dane
  12. German Shepherd
  13. Rottweiler
  14. Dachshund
  15. Pug
  16. Shih Tzu
  17. Bichon Frise
  18. Labrador retriever Mix
  19. Golden retriever mix
  20. Border collie mix

Pros and Cons of Dog Breeds

Every dog is different, so naturally, different styles of animals bring different pros and cons. Read through the common types of lovable pups to see if you can find one that fits your unique needs.

golden retriever puppy
golden retriever puppy

Golden Retrievers are one of the most popular family dogs. They are gentle, loving, and great with children. They need a lot of exercise and grooming.

Labrador Retrievers are also popular family dogs. They are gentle, friendly, and great with children. They need a lot of exercise and grooming.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are small lap dogs that are friendly and affectionate. They don’t require a lot of exercise but do need some daily grooming.

Beagles are small to medium sized dogs that were bred for hunting rabbits. They have a lot of energy and can be challenging to train.

Bulldogs are stocky, muscular dogs that were originally bred for bull-baiting. They are now gentle, loving dogs that do well with families. They need minimal exercise and grooming.

Poodles come in three sizes (standard, miniature, and toy) and were originally bred as water dogs. They are very intelligent and easily trained but require a lot of grooming.

happy dog playing catch

Boxers are medium to large sized dogs that were originally bred as guard dogs. They are now gentle, playful family pets. They need moderate exercise and minimal grooming.

Boston Terriers are small, compact dogs that were originally bred for fighting. They are now gentle companions that do well with families. They need moderate exercise and minimal grooming.

Yorkshire Terriers are small lap dogs that were originally bred as ratters. They are now loving companions that do well with families. They need moderate exercise and minimal grooming.

Siberian Huskies are large, working dogs that were originally bred for sledding. They are now popular family pets. They need a lot of exercise and minimal grooming.

Great Danes are large, gentle giants that make great family pets. They need moderate exercise and minimal grooming.

German Shepherds are large, working dogs that were originally bred for herding sheep. They are now popular family pets and loyal protectors. They need a lot of exercise and minimal grooming.

Rottweilers are large, working dogs that were originally bred for herding cattle. They are now popular family pets and loyal protectors. They need a lot of exercise and minimal grooming.

Dachshunds are small, long-bodied dogs that were originally bred for hunting badgers. They are now loving companions that do well with families. They need moderate exercise and minimal grooming.

Pugs are small, compact dogs that were originally bred as companion dogs. They make great family pets and do not require a lot of exercise or grooming.

Shih Tzus are small lap dogs that were originally bred as companion dogs in China. They make great family pets and do not require a lot of exercise or grooming.

Bichon Frises are small, fluffy dogs that were originally bred as companion dogs. They make great family pets and do not require a lot of exercise or grooming.

Labrador Retriever mixes are a popular crossbreed. They inherit the best qualities of both breeds and make great family pets. They need a lot of exercise and grooming.

Golden Retriever mixes are also a popular crossbreed. They inherit the best qualities of both breeds and make great family pets. They need a lot of exercise and grooming.

Border Collie mixes are an energetic crossbreed that needs a lot of exercise but is very intelligent and easily trained.

While all of these breeds have a reputation for being friendly, it’s important to remember that every dog is an individual. Some dogs of any breed can be unfriendly, and some mixed-breed or “mutts” can be the friendliest dogs around. The best way to find a friendly dog is to meet several before you make your final decision.

Are Poodles the Best Dogs?

Poodle mixes are a popular crossbreed that inherits the best qualities of both breeds, such as a kind demeanor and no shedding. They need a lot of grooming and frequent haircuts, but they are very intelligent and easily trained. Dog really is man’s best friend, and they make great companions when you choose a canine that matches your lifestyle.

Common poodle variations

Labradoodles are a popular crossbreed of Labrador Retriever and Poodle. They make great family pets and do not require a lot of exercise or grooming.

Goldendoodles are also a popular crossbreed of Golden Retriever and Poodle. They make great family pets and do not require a lot of exercise or grooming.

Cockapoos are a popular crossbreed of Cocker Spaniel and Poodle. They make great family pets and do not require a lot of exercise or grooming.

Maltipoos are a popular crossbreed of Maltese and Poodle. They make great family pets and do not require a lot of exercise or grooming.

Types of Dogs for Specific Needs

There are many different types of hunting dogs, but some of the most popular include retrievers, pointers and setters. These breeds have a strong desire to please their owners and are easily trained.

A hunting dog is a canine that hunts with or for humans. There are many different types of hunting dogs, each bred to perform a specific task during the hunt.

The most common type of hunting dog is the gundog or “bird dog”, which assists hunters in finding and retrieving game. Other types of hunting dogs include hounds, terriers, dachshunds and beagles.

How are dogs used in law enforcement?

Dogs have been used in law enforcement for many years. They are trained to perform a variety of tasks, such as tracking suspects, detecting illegal drugs and explosives, and finding missing persons. Protection dogs are bred for their size, strength and courage. They undergo extensive training to protect their owners from danger.

The most common type of dog used in law enforcement is the German Shepherd. Other popular breeds include the Labrador Retriever, the Golden Retriever and the Belgian Malinois.

When a police dog retires, it is usually placed with its handler or another family member. Police dogs are not suitable for adoption by the general public because of their training and temperament. Some retired police dogs are used as therapy dogs or in other non-enforcement roles. Others may be euthanized if a suitable home cannot be found for them.

Why Do People Buy Lap Dogs?

Lap dogs are small breeds of domesticated dogs that were bred to be companions. They are typically smaller than 25 pounds and have a calm demeanor. Popular lap dog breeds include the Chihuahua, the Yorkshire Terrier and the Pomeranian.

The best way to find a friendly dog is to meet several before you make your final decision. With so many different types of dogs available, there is sure to be one that is perfect for you. Whether you are looking for a lapdog or a hunting companion, there is a breed of dog that will suit your needs.

When choosing a new furry friend, it’s important to take into account things like energy level, size, and grooming needs in addition to personality. For example, breeds that were originally bred for hunting or guarding may have too much energy for a sedentary owner, and large breeds may not be well-suited for homes with small children. With so many wonderful breeds out there, there’s sure to be one that’s perfect for you and your family.